
Forward facing – developing vision during tummy time

What you need 

  • An interesting toy or object that you think your baby will want to look at. This could be a toy with contrasting colours, a baby-safe mirror, or simply your house keys! 

What to do 

  1. Lie them on their tummy and place the toy just in front of them, talking about the toy as you do this.  
  2. Give your baby time to look at the toy or object and encourage them by staying close and commenting on what they are doing. 
  3. If your baby is still interested in looking at the toy, and comfortable on their tummy, gently move it a little to the left or right to encourage them to begin to work on tracking objects with their eyes.  

Good to know 

If your baby finds tummy time uncomfortable, you can try this while your baby is lying on your chest, using your own face with lots of funny expressions, or when they are held in a sitting position in your lap.