
Showtime! – Invite the puppets to play

What you need 

  • Puppets. If you don’t have these, soft toys, figures, or dolls will work just as well 

What to do 

  1. Set up puppet time with your toddler.  
  2. Hold two of the puppets and face them towards your toddler.  
  3. Pretend that they’re talking, and join in their conversation as you. You might say, “Hi Anvita, hi Manaas. What are you doing here today?” Then in Manaas’s voice say, “Hello {say your name} we were going for a walk, and we ended up here. Can we stay and play?”  
  4. You could reply by saying something like, “That sounds great, we were just going to build a castle and we need more help.” It doesn’t matter what you say – make up anything you like – often the sillier the conversation the more fun you all have.  

Good to know 

If you’re not keen on using different voices, the puppets can whisper in your ear. Simply repeat what they said using your own voice to your toddler. 

As they become more confident, your toddler can join in with you by being one of the puppets. Eventually they might lead their own show.