Activity Two

Take in the world today – spot your neighbours while you play

Written by MFFY | Jul 1, 2022 10:01:48 AM

What you need 

  • Neighbours or passers-by to your home 


What to do 

  • If you are out of your home for this activity, take a few things for your baby with you, like a snack, a book and a few toys.  
  • Find a comfortable seat and begin to play or eat.  
  • If anyone walks past, you could say hello to them.  
  • If you know them, say their name. 
  • When they leave, say their name, and encourage your baby to wave goodbye.   
  • If you are staying in and looking out of your window, use the names of people you know when they walk past.  


Good to know 

Your baby might prefer to move rather than sit. If this is the case, say hello to the people you meet when you go out for a walk, or when you visit a park.