
Super swinging game – it feels like flying!

What you need 

  • Access to a swing (if you don’t have access to one, have a look in our ‘Good to know’ section below the activity) 

What to do 

  1. When you are somewhere with low swings, encourage your toddler to rest their tummy on the swing.  
  2. At this stage, they will need to keep their feet on the ground. Encourage your toddler to walk backwards and forwards with their tummy resting on the swing.  
  3. Gradually encourage your toddler to speed up the movement of walking backwards and forwards. Let them find a pace they enjoy (this may be quite slow at first). 
  4. When they have found their pace, stand in front of the swing and hold your hand out for a high five. Ask your toddler to reach out and high five you while they move forward. Keep close as this may begin to unbalance them at first! 
  5. Some toddlers may lift their feet from the floor; stay close enough to help them control the swing, and their balance, if they do this.  

Good to know 

This game can be varied in so many ways: the speed of the swinging, the height of the high five, and the force of the clap. Gradually adapt the challenge level to your toddler's abilities.  

This game can be modified to be played without a swing. Sit at the edge of a sofa or chair, with your feet flat on the floor, and help your toddler to lie face down over your lap. Let your legs move gently from side to side as your toddler moves their legs and ‘swings’ with you. You can hold your hand out for a high five, or place a toy for your toddler to pick up to encourage them to stretch out their arms.