
Stretch up tall and bend down low – that's not where those toys should go!

What you need 

  • Small toys (any with suckers are ideal) 
  • Tape 

What to do 

  1. Stick the toys at various heights to a wall or door. Use the suckers if the toy has them, or use masking tape.  
  2. Place some of the toys higher up than others, so they inspire your toddler to stretch up on their tiptoes. Place some close to the floor, to encourage your toddler to crouch or reach down. 
  3. Place a container near the items – this is for your toddler to collect the toys they have managed to unstick. 
  4. Invite your toddler to remove the toys to fill the container.  

Stay close to your toddler in case they take a little topple while they are reaching. Ensure the toys are safe for your toddler to explore safely and remove any tape as soon as they have taken it off the wall. 

Good to know 

When your toddler stretches, they learn to balance on their toes while also building core strength.  

They will need to adjust their balance once more to keep the body steady when they remove a toy and move to put it in the container.