
Singing songs supports routines – a song a day supports the play

What to do 

  1. Try having a play with some of the verbal routine songs below. 
  2. Adapt and change the words however you like to make them suitable for your home and routine. 

Good to know 

Verbal routines are helpful for supporting your baby to join in with parts of the day. They help promote the development of language by offering actions and words that relate to specific activities. Verbal routine songs are made up of the same words that are repeated during activities or during your routine.


At bathtime, the words to ‘Here we go round the Mulberry Bush’ could be swapped for: 

Do you know what time it is?  

Time it is? Time it is?  

Do you know what time it is?  

Yes, it’s bathtime. 

‘The Wheels on the Bus’ is a great one for adapting to many routines; these words can be changed for almost anything:  

Could ‘insert baby’s name’ go and find their shoes,   

Go and find their shoes, go and find their shoes,   

Could ‘insert baby’s name, go and find their shoes,  

And don’t forget to bring them here. 

When it is story time, try this song sung to the tune of ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’. 

Shall we read a story now?  

Let’s go choose one and (lie/sit) down. 

I wonder what we’ll read.  

Maybe (we/I/you) should take the lead?  

Shall we choose a story now?  

Let’s go choose one and (lie/sit) down.