Activity Two

Scarf pull - a simple pulling game to combine movements.

Written by My First Five Years | Sep 21, 2023 10:22:37 AM

What you need 

  • A box or basket 
  • Scarves, ties and other long pieces of fabric or items of clothing 

What to do 

  • Put the scarves, ties and other bits of fabric you’ve found in the box or basket.  
  • Place the box somewhere with plenty of space around it.  
  • Show your child how you can hold a piece of the scarf and walk backwards to pull it out of the box.  
  • Then ask them to see how many they can pull out by grabbing them and walking backwards.  
  • If your child likes a challenge, set a timer and see how many they can pull out in one minute.

Don’t leave your child unsupervised with long pieces of fabric, as they may wrap them around their neck as part of their play.