
Ramp up the fun with a simple ball and slope

What you need 

  • A ball, or rolled up socks 
  • A ramp. This might be somewhere outdoors that has gradual slopes, or you could try making a ramp at home using a flattened cardboard box on a doorstep leading outside 

What to do 

Place the ball at the top of the slope, or ramp, and invite your toddler to kick it. The ball should travel down the ramp, making it a pleasing experience.  

If you make a home-made ramp, be aware your toddler might try to follow the ball down the ramp. It will be safer for you to pass the ball back to them once it has been kicked. 

Good to know 

Kicking a ball down a slope is usually easier than kicking it along a flat surface. If you go outside on a sloped surface, your toddler will probably chase after the ball, so will need close supervision.