
Roll me, watch me, stop me – a game that’s fun for all

What you need 

  • Toys or objects that will roll, like wheeled toys such as cars, or trains, balls or empty cylindrical bottles 
  • A large empty box 

This game might get very exciting, so be ready for giggles!

What to do 

  1. Start rolling your items, one at a time. 
  2. Let your toddler know they will be trying to stop the rolling objects from getting into the box. 
  3. Lie the box on its side. 
  4. Give them a chance to grab the toys, so start by rolling them gently. 
  5. Play this lots of times as the more they play, the better they will become at synchronising body movements with their vision in order to grab the moving toys. 
  6. Tell your toddler they can stand wherever they like when you start to roll a toy: next to you, in front of you or in front of the box.