
Role play time – changing a nappy on a toy

What you need 

  • Doll or teddy 
  • Clean nappy 
  • Wipes 


What to do 

  • While playing with a favourite doll or teddy, pretend that it is crying. Talk to your toddler and say, “Oh dear, teddy is crying. Come on little teddy, let’s see what has made you sad.” 
  • Pretend that the teddy has a dirty nappy, check the nappy, and say, “Oh, you have a wet nappy. That must feel uncomfortable. Let’s go and change it.”  
  • Get a new nappy ready and invite your toddler to help, if they show signs of interest. 


Good to know 

By repeating this activity several times, your baby might feel at ease knowing more about their nappy-changing routine and understand it better.