
Road signs – make a sign spotting game

What you need 

  • Pens and paper (or a computer/phone and printer) 

What to do 

  1. Draw a few road signs on a piece of paper (3 or 4 is probably enough at first). If you prefer to, you could print some pictures out or even just save a few on your camera roll.  
  2. Give the pictures to your toddler, and tell them you’re going to see if you can find these signs.  
  3. Go for a walk and encourage your toddler to tell you when they see each of the signs. They might want to cross them off their list if using a paper version. 
  4. Talk about what those signs tell the drivers and pedestrians.  
  5. If your toddler is interested in the signs makes some signs for them to play with at home.