Activity Two

Ribbon dancing – making marks in the air

Written by MFFY | Jul 29, 2022 11:32:53 AM

What you need 

  • A ribbon, scarf or other fabric – even a sock 

What to do 

  • Put on some favourite music and dance while waving the ribbon.  
  • Hold the ribbon tightly and move it up and down, and in circular motions to the rhythm.  
  • Encourage your toddler to join in and invent their own moves with the ribbon.  
  • Describe the movements that your toddler makes, as hearing the words alongside the movements will help them make connections about what their body is doing. 

Good to know 

Controlling their hand to hold on to the ribbon while moving and noticing the shapes they are creating are all skills which your toddler can also apply when they are painting and drawing.