
Ready, steady, roll – create anticipation in this ball rolling game

What you need 

  • A ball that is a suitable size for your baby 


What to do 

  1. Place your baby in a seated position with as much space as possible around them.  
  2. Show them the ball and say something like, “Here comes the ball, it’s going to roll to you.”  
  3. Then say, “Ready, steady, go!” and release the ball.  
  4. As you roll the ball, give your baby time to get hold of the ball and give them lots of praise when the ball rolls into their reach.  
  5. Your baby might push the ball straight back to you as a response to the ball coming close to them. If this isn’t the case, you could say something like, “Can I have the ball now? Let me see you push the ball.”  


Good to know 

To encourage them to push the ball, demonstrate to them how to push it so that your baby can see your actions.