
Reading familiar stories will support your toddler’s understanding

What you need 

  • A few favourite stories  

What to do  

  • When you read together, choose a few pages where you know your toddler understands what is happening.  
  • If the sentence is about three to six words long, read it to them and invite your toddler to join in by repeating what you say, or telling you the story. 
  • If the sentence is too long, but your toddler understands the context of the picture, use a shorter sentence to describe what’s happening.  
  • Giving your toddler shorter phrases to join in with can help boost their confidence. 

Good to know 

Your toddler is likely to have some favourite stories now, and repeating these can be a great way to get them to join in with saying a few words. Stories with rhymes or repeated phrases are ideal for this.