Activity Two

Re-create the play your toddler has seen – how to copy play in a safe environment

Written by MFFY | Jul 21, 2022 2:45:10 PM

What to try 

  • If you’ve been out and you have noticed your toddler watching other children, try to recreate what you have seen. 
  • Your toddler might have seen a child laughing, running, using a funny voice or challenging themselves. 
  • If it’s safe to do so, return to where you saw the play and encourage your toddler to copy it with you.  
  • You might even be able to copy the play when you get home, or in your garden. 

Good to know 

As your toddler becomes more interested in other children’s play, they might want to copy what they see.  

This might be a little after they have watched other children doing it, or when playing another time.