
Preparing for a new experience – involve your toddler in packing a comforter

What to try 

  • Before you go somewhere new, encourage your toddler to pack their comforter in their bag. 
  • Talk to them about where their comforter will be and that they should be able to get it from their bag if they need it.  
  • When it’s time to come home, be sure to check with your toddler that they still have their comforter in their bag.  
  • Having a sense of responsibility is a great way of boosting your toddler’s confidence and may also help them deal better with new situations.  

Good to know 

There are many new experiences that your toddler is likely to encounter at this stage. You may already know what their signs of feeling uncomfortable are and what their comforters are. Having your toddler understand the role of their comforter and how to find it at times of need may help reduce any rising anxiety.