
Play a funny sound game to help your baby understand their movements

What to do 

  1. Lie your baby on your knee or place them on their back.  
  2. Think of three silly noises, such as ‘shhhhhh’, ‘bizzzzzzz’, or ‘ttttttttt’ – whatever you want!  
  3. Hold both of your baby’s hands.  
  4. Think of simple actions to go with each sound. For example, zig-zagging their arm in front of their face. 
  5. One at a time, do an action and make a sound. Keep the sound and action you do together consistent so your baby can make links between them. 

Good to know 

Here are some more examples of actions you could try: 

Action 1 – Hold their hands and help them to clap them together.  

Action 2 – Gently tap their chest with both their hands.  

Action 3 – Stroke their lips with both their hands.