
Outdoor exploration – using nature to develop fine motor skills

What you need 

  • A blanket 
  • Natural objects – these could be smooth pieces of wood, feathers, a sponge or loofah 

What to do 

  1. Have fun exploring nature and letting your baby discover more textures and shapes outside. 
  2. Find a safe space to set up a blanket for you and your baby when you are in the garden, park or other outside space.  
  3. Offer your baby a selection of natural objects to explore. 
  4. Let your baby decide which item to pick up (they might have to try a few times if they are not familiar with the shape or texture of the object).  
  5. Your baby may enjoy the feel of grass under their hands and feet and attempt to ‘catch’ the grass in their hand – this is a wonderful workout for their palm muscles!  

Stay engaged and close, make sure the items you give them are safe for your baby to put in their mouth as this is one way they learn about new objects now.