
Open/close – find some interesting objects for your toddler to explore

What you need 

  • A few hinged objects that are safe for your toddler to play with. These could be a garlic press, kitchen tongs, flat head pliers or anything else you think they might find interesting. 

Check any objects you're going to give your toddler, to make sure they have no sharp edges or very small parts – they probably won’t put items in their mouth as often now, but might be tempted to do this with something new.  

What to do 

  • Place the objects in a box or bag and sit with your toddler somewhere comfortable with space for them to move.  
  • Say, “I wonder what’s in the bag/box? Why don’t you have a look?”  
  • Give them time to get an item out and look at it.  
  • If they don’t realise themselves that they can open and close it, suggest that you show them (your toddler might not want to give the item to you so you can show them, and if that happens, don’t worry. Let them keep looking independently).  
  • Give your toddler as much time as they want to explore the objects; if they begin to lose interest, suggest putting the things away and doing something else.