
Look at books about visiting different places – talk about how people act, depending on where they are

What you need 

  • A variety of books about places. Books about visiting a zoo, art gallery, farm or construction site would work well 

What to do 

  1. Focus on one book at a time.  
  2. While you read, talk to your toddler about where the story is set. 
  3. Encourage them to look at how people are acting in the illustrations. For example, reading a story about visiting a museum or gallery may prompt a conversation about how people are being quiet and not touching objects in the exhibitions.  
  4. Talk about where else people might need to be quiet, such as in a church, mosque or at the theatre, and try to find a book about it. 
  5. Then look at contrasts to the way people have acted in the first few books. If you’ve read about libraries and museums, find a book about visiting a construction site, the circus or having a kitchen disco. 

Good to know 

Books are great for talking about how people behave in certain places. If you don’t have many at home, perhaps ask friends, family or neighbours if they have any that are different to yours. Or take a trip to your local library or ask at Nursery or a local group.