Activity Two

Nursery rhyme bag – can your toddler guess the rhyme by seeing what’s in the bag?

Written by MFFY | Mar 13, 2023 12:51:37 PM

What you need 

  1. Toys or pictures linked to songs or rhymes your toddler knows well  
  2. A bag or box 

What to do 

  1. Put the toys or pictures in a bag and explain to your toddler that you’re going to choose a rhyme by picking a toy or picture out of the bag.   
  2. Pull a toy slowly out of the bag and stop when a little bit is showing. Can your toddler guess what the toy is? Can they tell you which song you are going to sing?  
  3. When your toddler guesses the song or rhyme, let them hold the picture or toy and sing the song together.  
  4. You might just do one song, or if your toddler enjoys the game pick another toy and start again.