Activity Two

Talk about what you're understanding – give your toddler cues to help them explain

Written by MFFY | Jul 18, 2022 7:19:50 AM

What to try 

  • If your toddler is trying to tell you something, look at their facial expression to gauge whether their message is exciting, sad, or say, frustrating.  
  • Then look around at what is happening close by for contextual and environmental cues to help.  
  • You might try narrating what you see, so you could say “I can see you look excited and that you are looking toward your coat. Are you asking about our walk?”  
  • You’ll soon know if you are on the right track or not, by your toddler’s reaction.  
  • If you work out that only part of your understanding was correct, acknowledge this by saying “Ah ha, you are excited, but not about your coat. I wonder what it could be?” Encourage your toddler to gesture or tell you in another way. 

Good to know  

Giving your toddler lots of cues for how they can convey their message will equip them with a variety of methods to draw upon in the future. 

You’re unlikely to understand everything your toddler says to you, as they are still learning how to make sounds and put them together to make words and phrases.