Activity Two

Musical reach and grab – get your baby bouncing and rocking to the beat

Written by MFFY | Jun 28, 2022 9:16:15 AM

What you need 

  • Objects from the kitchen, such as pots and pans, to serve as drums 
  • Kitchen objects to serve as drumsticks – wooden spoons, plastic spoons, a whisk or a spatula are great 


What to do 

  1. Pop some pots and pans within your baby’s reach while they are sitting upright. Make sure they are supported if they are not yet steady in a sitting position. 
  2. Provide a variety of your chosen drumsticks. 
  3. Show your baby how to bang the pots and pans. 
  4. Give them lots of time to explore the objects.  
  5. Give a big cheer or sing along when they make noise on the drums.  


Good to know 

You could choose to play this one outside if it is a nice day. If you do, find a shaded area for your baby to sit in, this way you can listen to their musical talents while enjoying some fresh air together.  

Make sure to take some cushions to place around your baby while they play outside to keep them safe. You may see your baby’s body move while staying in a sitting position; as they move their arms to explore and play their core muscles are working hard to help them keep their balance.