
Musical “balancing” movements – getting on and off a bike

What you need 

  • A toddler bike or ride-on toy 
  • Something to play music on and a selection of favourite songs lined up 

What to do 

  1. Make getting on and off your bikes into a game. Start with your toddler being the only player first, just so you can be there for them. As their skills develop, the whole family can join in. 
  2. Encourage your toddler to get on their balance bike or trike.  
  3. When they are steady, play some music and ask them to wiggle their body. This will help them to get used to the sensation of movement while holding on to the handlebars. 
  4. When the music stops, say that they need to get off their bike while trying not to drop it. Give your toddler lots of time to do this, it can take a while to master. 
  5. When they are off, play the music again and all have a dance.  
  6. Stop the music, encourage them to get back on their bike and then start the music and have another wiggle while they’re on it.  
  7. Keep going for as long as it is fun!