
Muddy paint

What you need 

  • Large pieces of paper or card, or even old bedsheets 
  • Mud  
  • A bucket or bowl 
  • A large paintbrush 

What to do 

  • Put some mud into a bucket – and a bit of extra water if the mud is quite thick.  
  • Put large pieces of card, paper or old sheet on the floor or taped to a wall.  
  • Show your toddler how they can use the mud to make marks on the cardboard, paper or sheet.  
  • Chat about the marks you are making and give your toddler plenty of time to mix the mud and have a go too.  
  • Have a bowl of soapy water or wipes close by so you can both wash your hands when you’re finished. 

This will be a messy activity – make sure your toddler is wearing clothes that wash easily, or where some mud stains wouldn’t matter too much.