Activity Two

Moving here, moving there – we are moving everywhere

Written by MFFY | Jul 18, 2022 12:04:38 PM

What to try 

  • Take yourselves on a walk, it could be anywhere: indoors, in the woods, to the shop or in a shop itself. 
  • Watch as your toddler navigates around the space they have.  
  • If you are indoors, ask your toddler to help you move some toys. If it is safe to, you could beckon them to, “Come quickly.” If you move toys into different rooms; this will encourage them to change direction.  
  • If you’re outdoors, initiate a running and changing direction game. You might say, “Shall we run?” As you start to gain speed, look for something that catches your eye and say, “Look, over there!” Change direction and walk/run until you get closer to what you have spotted.  
  • Watch to see whether your toddler speeds up and changes direction all by themselves.