Activity Two

Modelling empathy – your toddler will learn from watching you

Written by MFFY | Jul 21, 2022 3:01:07 PM

What to do 

  • When you’re at home, or out with family and friends, think about where you might be able to demonstrate showing empathy. 
  • If someone walks into something, or drops something, check in with them asking if they are ok.  
  • At home, a family member might be tired, and you can acknowledge it by asking them if they want to take a rest. 
  • When your toddler is upset, frustrated or angry, you can show you understand how they feel – even if you need to maintain a boundary. For example, you might say, “I know you’re sad that you have to stop playing now, but it is time for bed.”  

Good to know 

Your toddler will learn to understand how to respond to the feelings of others by watching how you do it yourself.