Activity Two

Mapping it out – use maps and leaflets to start a conversation about somewhere you’ve visited

Written by My First Five Years | Jun 20, 2023 1:41:09 PM

What you need 

  • Leaflets or a map from a place you’ve visited or an online map (especially if it includes pictures) 

What to do 

  • Get the leaflet or map out, if you have kept several let your toddler choose which one to look at.  
  • Look at the map together and point out some of the things you saw during your day out.  
  • If you’re using a paper map, you could open it out and sit together on the floor to look at it. 
  • You could even pretend to retrace your steps using the map, for example, if you visited the zoo, pretend to go and look at the penguins, then the elephants and so on.