
Lots, some and less! Noticing and talking about quantity every day

What to try

  • Use words about amounts, like more and less, in everyday conversation. 
  • When you’re doing your usual daily routines, think about pointing out amounts that are easy for your child to see so they can link the words with their experience. For example, you might be able to point out “lots of leaves in a big pile” or notice there are “fewer carrots on my plate than on your plate. Your plate has more than mine!” 
  • Talk out loud about the amount of things that you see, such as ducks on a pond or cars that drive past. As well as counting how many there are, you can talk about where you see the most, or least, of something. 
  • At snack time or mealtimes, use number and quantity words. If food is being chopped up talk about how many pieces you need, or how many items go on each plate. For example ask how many pieces of fruits each person has, then talk about who has more, and who has less. Or are they the same?