Activity Two

Look at this! Using both hands while playing outside

Written by MFFY | Jun 23, 2022 12:54:54 PM

What you need 

  • A blanket 
  • Some of [Joshua’s] favourite toys 
  • Natural objects 


What to do 

  1. Find a shaded spot outside, or a sheltered spot if it is raining, and create a play space for your baby on a blanket.  
  2. Bring some of their favourite toys or find some natural objects that will interest them.  
  3. Give your baby the toy and let them explore it, they might pass it from hand to hand or hold it up to examine it with their eyes or mouth.  
  4. Talk to your baby about the object, making links with what they feel and see.  


Make sure the objects are safe for your baby to hold and look at and stay close as they will also explore with their mouth.