
Look and reach – using dangling toys to support your baby’s reaching skills

What you need 

  • Baby gym (or a stick secured between two chairs) 
  • Ribbons or string 
  • Small, light toys 


What to do 

  1. Tie the toys to the string and loop around the baby gym. 
  2. Ensure the length of the string is reachable for your baby. 
  3. Place your baby on their tummy under a baby gym or stick safely secured between two chairs. 
  4. Gently push some of the dangling toys, ribbon or string so that your baby can try and reach for them. 
  5. If you have toys that make sounds, use these to give your baby further motivation to reach out. 

This activity must be closely supervised. Do not hang toys over your baby’s sleep space, and always stay with them if they are playing under a baby gym or other hanging toy.