Activity Two

Little by little – taking small steps can have big outcomes

Written by MFFY | Mar 13, 2023 3:39:59 PM

What to try 

  • If your toddler is fearful of something that has happened before, talk about how they are feeling and let them know they are safe. Perhaps they were scared by a duck flying in the park and they can see a duck from the swings and it’s worrying them. 
  • Remind them of what happened to keep them safe, and how they were brave or sensible, when the experience or event happened. 
  • Talk to them about giving it another try. 
  • Reassure them that simply trying is brilliant – even if they get a little bit closer to the duck than they currently are, this is a massive step for them. Praise your toddler and remind them how far they have come. 
  • If your toddler is proud of themselves, take a break and talk about how well they are doing. 
  • Know your toddler’s limits and stay within them. Pushing too hard can set them back as they won’t remember overcoming the fear, only being afraid.  
  • Build their confidence with positive experiences, perhaps take a photo of how well they’re doing so you can talk about it at home.  
  • If overcoming the experience takes a few attempts, remind them of the progress they’ve made each time and have a think together about what they could do to make the next experience better.