
Likes and dislikes – talk about ways we show people we care

What you need 

  • A few photos of close friends and family  

What to try 

  • Look at the photos together.  
  • Chat about the people in them, and the things you know your child likes.  
  • Talk about some of the things they don’t like too.  
  • Give your child time to make suggestions as well as telling them what you know.  
  • Talk about the ways those people have shown affection to you, or the things you’ve done for them.
  • You could choose someone and agree something you’ll do for them.  

Good to know 

You can talk to your child about things you do to show affection as you do them, so they can see the many different ways people show affection. For example, you can say “I want Auntie Heli to know I love her, so I’m sending her a picture of a heart. I love getting pictures from people."