
Let’s sit together – helping your toddler to think about what makes them feel calm

What to try 

  • When your toddler is upset, watch for a little bit and see what they do to soothe themselves before you support them. 
  • Your toddler might sometimes be able to calm themselves but will still come to you for help when needed.  
  • You could make suggestions to help your toddler think about what makes them feel calm, "I think you might be tired now, shall we have a few minutes looking at a book before you play again?" 
  • If your toddler finds a suggestion a bit overwhelming, then you could show them something that might help by doing it yourself.  
  • Don’t be afraid to sit in silence with them, if you think they might just need you close instead of offering ideas. 
  • If you know your toddler calms when they take some deep breaths, stay close to them (or hold them if they need a cuddle) and take some deep, calming breaths yourself. They might be inspired to do the same.