
Let’s share a story – what will we read about together?

What you need 

  • A selection of story books – you don’t need loads, four or five is probably enough 
  • A comfortable place to sit 

What to do 

  • Ask your toddler to choose one or two stories.  
  • Once they have picked their books, get comfortable together.  
  • Snuggle up and begin reading.  
  • While you read, sometimes comment on the pictures, or pause to give your toddler time to talk about the book, finish a sentence or repeat part of the story.  

Good to know 

When your toddler chooses a book, they’ll probably pick one that they're interested in. This may motivate them to join in with the story and want to discuss what you're reading.  

Don’t worry if this isn’t the case: sometimes your toddler may pick the first book they see or they may not be interested in reading right now. You can repeat this activity as many times as you'd like and at different times of the day.