Activity Two

Recreate a story with stones

Written by MFFY | Jul 25, 2022 10:58:09 AM

What you need 

  • Stones, paper or even wooden spoons 
  • Pens or paint suitable to use on your stones, paper or spoons 

What to do 

  • Draw or paint the characters from one of your toddler’s favourite stories on the stones, paper or wooden spoons. They can be as simple as you like.  
  • Give your toddler the pictures to hold next time you read the story.  
  • You could ask them to pick up the picture of the character each time you say its name.  
  • Enjoy playing with the pictures, retelling the story together, or even making up a new one.  

Good to know 

Your toddler might be so excited by the story stones the first time they see them that they simply want to hold them and chat about them – that’s great! Don’t feel you need to use them to tell a story straight away; follow your toddler’s lead and use them with a story when they seem interested.