
Junk modelling on a rainy day (or any day!)

What you need 

  • Save up some of your recycling (make sure it is safe and washed). Look for things like plastic pots, cardboard boxes, large bottle tops and egg cartons  

What to try 

  • Clear the floor, lay down an old sheet and set out the recycling you’ve collected over the week. 
  • Talk about the different things you could make out of the objects and start showing your toddler how to recreate items out of the junk by having a go yourself.  
  • You could add any other art supplies you enjoy using, like paint, pens, stickers, glue and tape.  
  • This is a great way to encourage your child to think about items differently and how they can be used for a different purpose or outcome. 
  • Don’t feel pressure to make something specific, sometimes the joy is in finding things that slot together, or building the tallest tower possible. Let your imagination run free!