Activity Two

I’ve got one of those too – thinking about toys and objects when your child is playing with others

Written by MFFY | Feb 2, 2023 11:51:17 AM

What you need 

  • Two or more of the same (or similar) toys or objects that are safe to play with.  

What to do 

  • Invite another child to play, this could be at home or meeting somewhere the children like.  
  • Put any special toys away, it won’t be easy or comfortable for your toddler to share their very special things. 
  • Make sure there are a few of the same, or similar, toys or objects available so the children can play with the same thing.  
  • Stay close and give the children time to play – if they haven’t played at home together before they might be a little quiet at first, or just want to watch each other.  

Good to know 

If there are enough toys or objects that are the same, the children can play with the same object alongside each other. This gives them the opportunity to copy each other and might support them to play together.