Activity Two

Invite your toddler to join your conversations – they'll learn so much from seeing you chat and laugh

Written by MFFY | Jul 21, 2022 2:50:41 PM

What to try 

  • When you’re with family and friends, try to be aware of what your toddler is hearing. 
  • Include your toddler in what is being said, when appropriate. 
  • Encourage your toddler to participate in conversations by asking them questions and making eye contact. 
  • Respond to your toddler if they join the conversation, or if they copy something like a laugh or a word.  

Good to know 

Think about the interactions your toddler sees. They will learn a lot about how to interact with other people from watching the interactions around them.  

Be aware that your toddler will copy what they see and hear, and the way adults interact with each other.  

Think about when it feels appropriate for your toddler to be listening and how you might be able to move them away when a conversation is for adult ears only.