Activity Two

If you say “please” – a simple game to practise saying please and thank you

Written by MFFY | Mar 27, 2023 4:29:56 PM

What you need 

  • A selection of toys or objects 
  • A box or bag 

What to do 

  1. Place the toys or objects on the floor or on a low surface (somewhere your toddler can see them).  
  2. Get a bag or box and put it in front of you. 
  3. Tell your toddler that in this game they only bring a toy if you say please.  
  4. Ask your toddler to bring you a toy, “Bring me the …" 
  5. If they pick up the toy to bring it and you haven’t said please say, “Oh I can’t have it yet, I didn’t say please.” and then repeat, “Bring me the …. please.”  
  6. If your toddler doesn’t understand at first, you could have the first turn bringing the toys until they know how the game works.  

Good to know

This game might be a bit tricky at first and your toddler might not understand why some toys are going in the bucket and some are not. You can explain it each time, and remember that keeping the game short but revisiting it frequently (perhaps even as part of other games you play when things are passed from person to person) will support your toddler to build their understanding over time.