
Ice, ice, baby: little fingers and ice cube play

What you need 

  • Ice cubes 
  • Tray or bowl 
  • A towel 


What to do 

  1. Place the ice cubes in a bowl or on a tray. 
  2. Put a towel on the floor to place the bowl onto, near to your baby. 
  3. Show them how to pick up the ice cubes, saying exciting things like, “Oh, it’s cold,” or “Yikes, they are slippery.” 
  4.  When your baby starts to explore the ice cubes, narrate their play using an expressive face. 


Make sure you add a little water to the ice cubes, or let them melt slightly, and test them in your own hands before sharing with your baby. Ice direct from the freezer can become stuck to your skin when you first touch it.  


Option 2


What you need 

  • A balloon whisk 
  • A few pieces of fabric or ribbon 


What to do 

  1. Thread the pieces of fabric or ribbon into the whisk.  
  2. Give the whisk to your baby and give them time to look at it (and probably wave it around a bit!) 
  3. Your baby might start to try to pull the bits of ribbon or fabric out of the whisk. If they don’t pull one out a little yourself and then stop and let them take over.  
  4. Stay close by to supervise and offer reassurance but sit back and let your baby take their time pulling out the bits of fabric.  


Good to know 

Your baby might find holding and pulling at the same time a bit tricky. If they start to get frustrated help just enough to allow them to enjoy playing.  

Supervise your baby when they’re playing with ribbon or fabric.