
“I’ve got two cars.” Talk about numbers as you play

What you need 

  • Toys you know your toddler likes 

What to try 

  • Let your toddler choose what to play with, and watch for a little while to see what they are interested in.  
  • Make some comments about what they are doing, and include language linked to numbers or quantity (if it is relevant).  
  • For example, you might say, “You’ve got three cars. I’ve got two – I'm going to put them here.” 
  • If you are playing birthdays, you might make a comment about age, or if you are building together you could talk about how many blocks you each have.  

Good to know 

Notice what your child is looking at and give them time to comment too. When you talk about the things that interest them, or the things they are doing at the time, they are more likely to remember and think about the things you say.