Activity Two

I can feel the music – comment on your toddler’s movements to get the dance started 

Written by MFFY | Jul 18, 2022 2:29:03 PM

What you need 

  • A selection of toddler-friendly music of different types 

What to try 

  • Play some music. 
  • If your toddler moves to the music, comment on what they do.  
  • They might move their leg or arm, and you could say, “Oooh, I saw you move your arm in and out.”  
  • As you comment, copy their movement. 
  • Your toddler will probably feel proud of themselves for leading the dance and try experimenting with other body movements if they see you mirroring their actions. 

Good to know 

Listening to different styles of music might inspire your toddler to move even more. You can play around with discovering new songs together and expand your own musical repertoire at the same time!