Activity Two

How does it feel? Supporting your baby to explore objects in more detail

Written by MFFY | Jun 23, 2022 12:36:49 PM

What you need 

  • Lightweight toys or objects, for example, a kitchen roll cut into smaller rings, a shower puff or a rattle 

What to do 

  1. Lie your baby on their back. 
  2. Place different types of lightweight toys or objects in their hands for them to touch and hold. 
  3. Talk to your baby about the item they are holding, describing its shape, texture or colour.  
  4. If your baby drops the item, offer it to them again. It’s hard work for them to hold items consistently, and they won’t yet be able to control when they let go of the object.  
  5. Your baby might want to try holding it again or show you that they’re not interested by ignoring the item or turning their head away.