
Homemade swings – here is an idea or two

Rocking and spinning are vital for the vestibular system. These movements help toddlers in developing a strong sense of body awareness and in learning how to coordinate both sides of their bodies.

Toddlers who spin are better able to find their balance, figure out where they are in their space, and focus on an activity for an extended period of time. These skills are imperative for daily life.

Try to create rocking and spinning movements using a large piece of fabric. These ideas need two adults to carry them out.

Idea 1 – Invite your toddler to sit in a large piece of fabric that you have spread out on the floor. The adults then stand on opposite sides of the fabric. Gather the fabric at both corners so it looks like a hammock and move towards your toddler gathering it as you go. Your toddler should be cocooned in the fabric, safely tucked in. Begin to swing your toddler. Start out carefully and make sure they are securely tucked in. Gradually pick up the pace if you're confident they're secure and enjoying being swung.

Idea 2 – Lay a large piece of fabric on the floor and invite your toddler to lie along one edge of it. Adults stand at opposite ends of the fabric, to each side of the toddler. The adult who is nearest the toddler in position pulls up the length of fabric and rolls the toddler to the other side using it. Before they reach the end, the other adult picks up the fabric and rolls them back. Once more, begin cautiously and check for safety, comfort, and enjoyment before picking up speed.

Alternatively, Idea 2 can be carried out in a shop-bought tunnel. Invite them to lie down in it while an adult rocks the tunnel back and forth.