
Home-made balance beam – ideas for balancing at home

What you need 

  • Medium size or large blocks, or flattened cardboard boxes  

What to do 

  1. Make a balance beam using blocks.  
  2. If you have small blocks, they might need to be arranged two blocks wide, so that your toddler’s feet can balance on them.  
  3. If you don’t have enough blocks, squash some cardboard recycling and make a balancing path. 
  4. Arrange the blocks or cardboard in a line and encourage your toddler to walk along. You may need to hold their hand at first, then gradually decrease the level of support as their confidence grows. 

Good to know 

Smaller packaging, such as toothpaste boxes, tea boxes, or soap cartons would work well. If you don’t have a selection of smaller boxes, you can always cut larger boxes, like cereal boxes, into narrow strips.