
Heuristic play – a simple way to encourage your toddler to play independently

What you need 

  • A collection of everyday objects that are safe for your toddler to play with.  

What to try 

  • Take the objects outside or into a room where there is space for your toddler to explore. 
  • Stay close by as your toddler explores the objects and finds different ways to combine them. 

Good to know 

The word heuristic comes from the Greek word eurisko which means, I discover – (the same origin as the word eureka!). So, heuristic play is where children explore and discover things for themselves – and you sit back and watch rather than get involved.  

Heuristic play can be great when you have other children visiting. Try to have several of each object so there’s no need for the children to share. They can watch how others use objects and might copy them.  

Some suitable resources for heuristic play include gift bags, curtain rings, coasters, spoons, clean plastic bottles or boxes and pieces of fabric.