
Helping your toddler get dressed and undressed independently

What to try 

  • Encourage your toddler to help with getting dressed and undressed as this will help them when they are going to the potty or the toilet.  
  • When you’re getting ready for bed or changing them, show them how to undo any poppers or zips.  
  • Encourage them to pull their trousers down when you are changing them and involve them in getting dressed and undressed.  
  • Try to repeat this during as many changing times as possible; it might take a while for your toddler to work out how to manipulate clothing and to be able to grab them to pull up or push down. 

Good to know 

It is important to take your toddler's feelings into account, especially if they’re not feeling well or if they don’t want to help with changing at a particular time. Do whatever suits you both.

Remember you can only do what is reasonable at that time and don't feel that your toddler needs to practise getting dressed and undressed at every change.  

Fasteners like zips and poppers take a lot of practice, so although your toddler may need your help with getting them all the way down or up, try to encourage them to have a go in order to build those skills.