
Have fun with gestures – seeing actions and hearing words make language easier to learn and understand

What to try 

  • Try using a variety of gestures with your toddler to support their early communication.  
  • Using words and gestures together helps your toddler to make connections. 
  • These are good, fun options for toddlers to learn: 

Hungry – rub your tummy. 

Drink – pretend to jiggle a cup near your mouth. 

Hooray – arms in air. 

Great – thumbs up. 

Boo – thumbs down. 

Talking on the phone – place your thumb to your ear and your little finger to your mouth. 

Follow me/come here – face the palm of your hand towards you and wave your fingers. 

Stop/wait – place your hand still, palm away from your chest, in front of you.