Activity Two

Happy hair – helping your child to care for their own hair

Written by MFFY | Mar 27, 2023 1:12:22 PM

What you need 

  • The items you usually use to care for your child's hair 

What to do 

  1. Whenever you can, encourage your child to help care for their own hair.  
  2. Show them how to reach the back of their head if they find this bit tricky. 
  3. Your child might like to see you caring for your hair alongside them.   
  4. If they are going to be brushing it, you might want to detangle their hair before they try to brush it for themselves.  
  5. If their hair breaks or tangles easily, offer them chances to help with the easiest parts of their hair care, even if it is something very small, so that they can practise this skill without it being too painful.  
  6. Alternatively, if you don’t mind how it feels, you could invite them to help with your hair and let them brush, condition or wrap your hair.